Friday 1 February 2013

Hello and Welcome to my world

I will start by telling my story, hopefully not very long so you will not be lost in the middle.

My name is Aliza or Elizabeth, I was born in Latvia and lived there up until I was 23 years old. I Then moved to London and after few years of working/partying life and deep depression that lasted full one year, I met my husband. He is from Islamabad, Pakistan. After 6 months since our encounter we were married in Pakistan. Soounds crazy? Yeah! I am a bit of a nut :)

When I was in depression I was praying to god to send me the "one" that's meant for me, and I described him as detailed as I could, forgot to mention the religion though :) And God heard my prayers and after two years I met Bala. I was on a spiritual journey, meditating and doing yoga, and I was sannyasin (follower) of Osho. But Islam always seemed to me a magical door of wonders, and also scared me a lot due to stereotypes that I had.

At that time I was interested in Sufism (part of the Islam) and I was more and more getting into the Islam.
On a charity trip to Istanbul, Turkey, I heard Azan (call for prayer) for the first time and I completely fell in love with it, when I use to listen it with my eyes closed it would take me to deep meditation. On the same trip I visited blue mosque or Sultan Ahmed Mossque and I spent sometime there just sitting with my eyes closed. After that trip by the end of the year I met my husband and my journey begun.

Once I was listening Osho discourse and one follower asked him: why do you talk with us about so many religions? and Osho replied: I am just showing you different doors, it is up to you which one you open.
Mine was Sufism and Islam.

Our marriage was in Islamabad, Pakistan in Pathan family, but very open minded. I have really enjoyed my wedding and staying with my family in Pakistan and I count days when we will go back again. About the marriage and Pakistan I will write in my following posts.

This is how I came to new world. And I am learning everyday. So I would like to dedicate this blog to all beautiful women who choose to step into new world as a wife of Muslim man. Who would like to know some customs and culture beforehand. To share my beautiful experience of this culture, cuisine and customs.

Few facts about me: I am not Muslim (yet). I use to hate cooking. I am very rebellious and I maintain Raw food diet for myself.